Bodega Bangkok

Workability Rating

"Expat-owned "party" hostel that's quiet during the day, equipped with couches, a bar, good food, and coffee. Outdoor covered patio with pseudo-interior space open to the patio. Nice large fans. Primarily full of hostel-stayers, but if you ask the perosn at the bar if you can work and order food/coffee it'd probably be fine. Limited outlet access, best for people who can work with music playing, social atmosphere full of travelers. No parking, turns into more of a party in the late afternoon (4-5pm) and not ideal for working at that time."

Discovered by girlicarus
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Workspace Type Public space
Sukhumvit Soi 23 Prasan Mit 120/15, พระนคร
Hours of Operations See Google
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BodegaBangkok Bar | 2dayisgr8
WiFi Speed
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10.90 / 0.30
Upload Speed 0.30
Download Speed 10.90
Upload Speed 0.30
Network Latency 57 Ms
Noise Level Heavy
Plugs Limited
Coffee No one you've ever heard of, probably, and not in the good way.
Tea "We have basically every kind of tea you could want." "So... white tea?" "Uh, normal kinds of tea." "Green tea it is." (It's Twinings.)
Alcohol Beer, Cocktails
Food Thai food, bar snacks, breakfast
Group Seating Yes
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Small tables, larger tables, lounge chairs / couches
Hours Today See More
Tags hostel, expat, traveler, backpacker, coffee, beer, alcohol, bar, food, thai, social, music, outdoor, patio

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