Brown's Court Bakery

Workability Rating

"There's a porch with a hammock on it, and two floors of seating! It's a very small quiet space with people often coming to study or read alone. It's great if you need to get quiet, get focused and get work done. Having long meetings or calls here could get awkward, because of how quiet it is, so just be prepared to step outside if you need to. There's a few two tops on both the upper and lower porches overlooking the driveway and street. Limited parking spaces are available if you pull in the drive in the back, though it can be a narrow fit to get in and out of. Bring a jacket and a hat in the winter if it's especially cold outside as they don't seem to have the heat on today. Looks like they do have AC though for the hot summer months :) Nice little bakery with a small, cozy seating space nestled on the second story loft. High ceilings with exposed rafters, hardwood floors an old stone chimney create a cool quiet space to get work or reading done. Nice music can be overheard downstairs but isn't too distracting."

Discovered by yarosz
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Workspace Type Public space
199 Saint Philip St, Charleston
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
Atlanta Braves / thedudeabides
WiFi Speed
Download/Upload in Mb/s
15.90 / 0.90
Upload Speed 0.90
Download Speed 15.90
Upload Speed 0.90
Network Latency 33 Ms
Noise Level Moderate to low
Plugs Plenty
Coffee Counter Culture
Tea Various Herbal Loose Leaf teas
Food pastries, baguettes, vegan-friendly, lunch
Group Seating Yes
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Small tables, larger tables
Hours Today See More

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