ChouChou Café

Workability Rating

"Very good wifi in Playa. Good coffee and many french pastries (the place is owned by french). Nice place, really well decorated."

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Workspace Type Public space
Av. 20 con calle 24 norte, Playa del Carmen
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
labasuranoexiste3 | cafe-chou-chou
WiFi Speed
Download/Upload in Mb/s
41.10 / 2.20
Upload Speed 2.20
Download Speed 41.10
Upload Speed 2.20
Network Latency 72 Ms
Noise Level Moderate
Plugs Many
Food Pastries, bread, french cuisine, egg dishes, sandwiches, salads, yogurt bowl, coconuts
Group Seating Unknown
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Small tables, standing bar / counter
Hours Today See More
Tags wifi, work, playa, pastries

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  • ruthie019

    Nice environment and very friendly staff. Food is ok – iced matcha not good.
    Also the WiFi was very weak & slow and kept kicking me off. Not a productive place for work if you need WiFi.

  • Wifi speed is exaggerated. Also not sure what the deal is, I can connect easy enough via my Android phone, but my Thinkpad running Ubuntu is having trouble here. I can connect to the network but get no internet service. My friend sitting next to me was able to get a live connection with her MacBook after disconnecting and reconnecting.

  • mobilisinmobili

    Really friendly staff, lots of tables with plenty of plugs along the wall.

    The coffee is quite good and the pastries are decent.

    Wifi kept kicking out for me today, but it was certainly usable.

    Not sure if I was in the best part of the cafe for signal strength, I’ll have to experiment.

  • brookehurford

    My favorite place to work in Playa! Best time to go is in the afternoon, around 1pm to avoid the morning rush when it’s pretty packed. The afternoon there is lots of room though. The food / drinks / coffee is all amazing. Overall cute atmosphere to work in 🙂 Always had reliable internet too.

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