Hawthorn Coffee

Workability Rating

"It's a narrow place so the outlets that line both walls are easily accessible from almost everywhere. The place is very nice looking and feels roomy despite the small size. The design makes the place very echoy. You don't have to talk loudly to be heard, but private conversations are impossible. Adams avenue is strictly paid street parking between 8am and 6pm M-Sat. Max of 2 hours for $2.50, so arrive after 4 if you want to stay a while. Residential parking is availableif you're willing to look for it. Best part are the drinks. All very high quality. If you go make sure to try the Cascara."

Discovered by Nishinoya
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Workspace Type Public space
3019 Adams Ave (30th St.), San Diego
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
WiFi Speed
Download/Upload in Mb/s
34.10 / 9.20
Upload Speed 9.20
Download Speed 34.10
Upload Speed 9.20
Network Latency 20 Ms
Noise Level Moderate
Plugs Plenty
Food Pastries
Group Seating Yes
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Small tables
Hours Today See More

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  • shanna

    there are four tables outside (not one, as noted above) and one table inside that can seat four. The rest of the tables are 2-tops.

Updated January 2016 | Improve this listing  | Flag as unvailable | Flag as spam
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