Mercury Cafe +3

Workability Rating

"Bright and sunny in a great corner location in Hayes Valley. Lots of tables and a few power outlets along the bench. Solid sandwich and salad selection on top of serving typical light breakfast fare and coffee drinks. Also has some good craft beer on draft. Best Workfrom hours are 9 am to 11:30 am and 2 pm to 4 pm."

Discovered by Dan Farrelly
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Workspace Type Public space
201 Octavia St, San Francisco
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
coffeeandpie | Mercury Cafe
WiFi Speed
Download/Upload in Mb/s
9.80 / 0.90
Upload Speed 0.90
Download Speed 9.80
Upload Speed 0.90
Network Latency 25 Ms
Noise Level Unknown
Plugs Limited
Coffee Locally roasted De La Paz coffee, drip, espresso, french press
Alcohol Beer
Food locally sourced salads, sandwiches, breakfast, soups, baked goods
Group Seating Yes
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Small tables
Hours Today See More

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  • shunyamada

    Loved among digital nomads, I am one of them. I ordered a cup of coffee, $3.5. There’s a handful of tables, yet most of them taken by hipsters on their Mac Book pros, after lunch time is too late for getting a seat.

  • mikemccaffrey

    One of my favorite cafes in the city. It is a bright, beautiful, airy place to stop for a coffee in the morning, and there is plenty of seating for working on a laptop in the afternoon. It is also a great place to meet people to work on a project, as it never gets too loud to talk. The sandwiches make for a fresh and tasty lunch or snack. The individual drip brew can take a while to finish, so order a cold brewed iced coffee if you can’t wait for the caffeine.

  • Wifi works fine. Password is coffeeandpie

  • aarondewald

    I would agree with the original reviewer. This is a cute little place that has plenty of seating and has a pretty chill vibe. They’ve got a good selection of coffee and tea as well as some sandwiches, soups, and other snack-y, breakfast-y, brunch-y things. Can’t complain with beer on tap, either. I don’t know about the wifi as I’m tethering, but I’m sure it works fine. Lots of two person tables, three four person tables, and a few outdoor seats.

Updated October 2014 | Improve this listing  | Flag as unvailable | Flag as spam
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