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ai370215  Nov 2016
Pioneer / Member   

Full Profile > Pioneer Q & A

How did you start working remotely? Was it something you sought out or stumbled into?

I started working remotely for myself when I began freelancing as a graphic designer and indie game developer. I started working remotely for my day job when they began wanting wildly varying hours of work from me.

What do you do for work and for fun?

Work: Systems Analyst. Fun: Game, develop, body board, hike, the usual SoCal activities.

What cities do you call “home” and why do you want to be a Workfrom ambassador?

Orange, CA

How did you find out about Workfrom and why do you want to bring it to your area?

My boyfriend. I think this is a brilliant concept. It could encourage efficiency while boosting the local economy.

Any tips you’d like to share for others wanting to or already working remotely?

Know yourself, your limitations, and be honest with your level of productivity. Sitting in Starbucks and surfing facebook isn’t working!

Any tips for those wanting to visit and work from your area?

If you are going to take up space at a business, patronage is key.

What do you like most about Workfrom, and what would you like to see above all else come from us in the next year?

More locations and a more intuitive UI/UX.
