How did you start working remotely? Was it something you sought out or stumbled into?
I’m a freelance event manager, which means a lot of work from different locations and a lot of work from home. I often work in resort areas where a good quiet place to be with drinkable coffee is hard to find
Do you still work remotely?
Sure do
What do you do for work and for fun?
I’m incredibly that work is fun. I run events in action sports and music. I run, mountain bike, snowboard, ski and hang outside.
What cities do you call “home” and why do you want to be a Workfrom ambassador?
Carbondale, co
How did you find out about Workfrom and why do you want to bring it to your area?
I found work from on the Internet. I’d love to see it as a resource in smaller communities where people are often on vacation, but let’s be honest. Is anyone really not still working when they’re on vacation?
Any tips you’d like to share for others wanting to or already working remotely?
Any tips for those wanting to visit and work from your area?
What do you like most about Workfrom, and what would you like to see above all else come from us in the next year?
I’m lazy. I’d rather use other people’s knowledge than have to find my own spot