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lukecs1042  Jun 2017
Pioneer / Member   

Full Profile > Pioneer Q & A

How did you start working remotely? Was it something you sought out or stumbled into?

Stumbled into it! I was already working abroad offline, then discovered remote work communities. I was hooked.

What do you do for work and for fun?

I’m the founder of www.nomadplayground.com. For fun I hike, play music, and explore.

What cities do you call “home” and why do you want to be a Workfrom ambassador?

Medellín, Buenos Aires. New home might be Lisbon or Barcelona. I love what you guys do and would like to help.

How did you find out about Workfrom and why do you want to bring it to your area?

As a remote worker, finding quiet spaces with good wifi is crucial. This site already provides me with extremely valuable info and I want to help.

Any tips you’d like to share for others wanting to or already working remotely?

There are great remote jobs out there! A lot of people get discouraged because it can be overwhelming to navigate the flood of information and bad gigs. There really are great opportunities out there, you just have to find them and work at it. The benefits of the lifestyle are very real. Keep at it!

Any tips for those wanting to visit and work from your area?

Connect with remote/ nomad groups as soon as you can, but also connect with locals. Get to know the place. They’ll show you worlds many of the expats never see.

What do you like most about Workfrom, and what would you like to see above all else come from us in the next year?

I like that I can see the wifi speeds and outlets a space has before showing up. Nothing is worse than arriving to a space only to discover that one (or both) of those things is unavailable.
