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MollyKoe  Feb 2016
Pioneer / Member   

Full Profile > Pioneer Q & A

How did you start working remotely? Was it something you sought out or stumbled into?

I sought it out. I went to my boss in July and told him that I was at a place in my life where I needed to travel; that I loved my job and that I believe I could do my job and continue to excel while I worked remotely; and that if I had to choose between travel and staying for the job, I would travel.

Do you still work remotely?

Yes! Going strong since Sept 2015.

What do you do for work and for fun?

I work in digital analytics and online strategy for a B2B publishing company. For fun, I read, write and travel!

What cities do you call “home” and why do you want to be a Workfrom ambassador?

Chicago, Louisville

How did you find out about Workfrom and why do you want to bring it to your area?

After struggling to find places to work in Munich, I sought out resources to help me find the cool place that were okay being my office for several hours at a time.

Any tips you’d like to share for others wanting to or already working remotely?

Set a schedule, try you damnest to stick to that schedule, and be kind to yourself (and your budget).

Any tips for those wanting to visit and work from your area?

Invest is good coffee, find good neighborhoods and explore.

What do you like most about Workfrom, and what would you like to see above all else come from us in the next year?

I like the reviews, and I like the app. I’m also becoming more invested in the blog. It’s difficult to find a blog about people who live the nomadic life who aren’t travel bloggers.
