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ozechad  Aug 2015
Pioneer / Member   

Full Profile > Pioneer Q & A

How did you start working remotely? Was it something you sought out or stumbled into?

Have assisted thousands of Aussie Businesses and users – in digital transformation processes and workflows enabling Work Anywhere from Any Device Any Time – Workfrom provides a missing price of the collaboration process

Do you still work remotely?

Yes – I practice what we preach – our team of 10 professionals are all digital road warriors

What do you do for work and for fun?

Digital Workflow consultant and economic development practitioner – time with family and friends

What cities do you call “home” and why do you want to be a Workfrom ambassador?

Gold Coast – certified digital transformation expert

How did you find out about Workfrom and why do you want to bring it to your area?

Colleague sent me a link

Any tips you’d like to share for others wanting to or already working remotely?

Australia has the worst upload speed of any developed nation – and many regions have no connectivity whatsoever – Workfrom can help to change that

Any tips for those wanting to visit and work from your area?

Tourism is a key factor for Australia yet the importance of providing fast connectivity and enablement isn’t yet understood. The Workfrom network could greatly assist in the process

What do you like most about Workfrom, and what would you like to see above all else come from us in the next year?

It’s Collaborative and is based on referrals and self regulating – the linking of regional and country locations – assistance to engage local Government support – eg. libraries – and I would like to help and assist
