Boule & Cherie

Workability Rating

"Stumptown espresso and cold brew on Nitro, and a pretty decent Matcha Latte. Cute sandwiches, 6 different kinds of quiche which is the bomb, and good croissants. There's a counter, small tables, a couch, and outdoor tables.One caveat: they play super generic pop, and they play it pretty loud. Think Coldplay and Justin Timberlake. Its great if you like it, but bring some good noise cancelling headphones if you don't."

Discovered by wulfmeister
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Workspace Type Public space
170 Amsterdam Ave (68th St), New York
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
Boule and Cherie -Guest | boule170
WiFi Speed
Download/Upload in Mb/s
41.40 / 18.30
Upload Speed 18.30
Download Speed 41.40
Upload Speed 18.30
Network Latency 13 Ms
Noise Level Moderate
Plugs Many
Coffee Stumptown espresso drinks
Tea Matcha
Food sandwiches, quiche, baked goods
Group Seating Unknown
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Unknown
Hours Today See More

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  • Usually, they have really loud music. Also I remember being here during the winter and they had their AC on full blast, which I thought was ridiculous.

  • Note: They turned down the music when I asked nicely, so props for that :).

Updated September 2016 | Improve this listing  | Flag as unvailable | Flag as spam
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