Neumanns (formerly Casero)

Workability Rating

"Good place if you just want to tune out with your headphones on — they don't play music. Yet, it can get very noisy."

Discovered by boomshiddang
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Workspace Type Public space
Gabriel-Max-Str. 18, Berlin
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
strammermax-18 | Neumanns
WiFi Speed
Download/Upload in Mb/s
15.90 / 2.50
Upload Speed 2.50
Download Speed 15.90
Upload Speed 2.50
Network Latency 34 Ms
Noise Level Heavy
Plugs Limited
Food sandwiches, salad
Group Seating Yes
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Small tables
Hours Today See More
Tags friedrichshain

People are saying  

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  • Great spot. Really good coffee, food, drinks, beer, wine etc. Wifi is totally fine. Soft music playing that isn’t too loud. Can have it’s busy times with larger groups eating, but right now there are 5 other people sitting on laptops, working as well. Internet connects fine, but I’m mostly using my laptop for emailing, some small downloads, and skype calls. I would recommend.

  • Great place to work, wifi works fine unless for normal use. I’m not sure how it performs if you’re downloading/uploading huge files. Coffee is good and their salads/ toasts are very tasty! It can get busy, but I still found it a great location to work from.

  • the place is very noisy and its changed names to neumanns, the wifi has also changed

Updated March 2017 | Improve this listing  | Flag as unvailable | Flag as spam
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