Chococoa Baking Company & Cafe

Workability Rating
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"Not a huge space, but very cosy and the lighting is nice. I believe they have a light background music, or none. They do have a small, but special section "Coffice Area" for those that need a space to work and/or meet. It is children friendly. They have a child corner so children can be engaged while parents meet for coffee. They have gluten free desserts. They have a Facebook page that includes their weekly special drink. If you are looking for a meal, there are a lot of good food places within the Mill building."

Discovered by Dpurdy004
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Workspace Type Public space
Hours of Operations See Google
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WiFi Speed
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Download Speed Unknown | Add
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Noise Level Moderate
Plugs Many
Coffee Fair trade coffee, espresso bar, both hot and iced avaliable
Tea Various tea
Food Whoopie pies, pastries, baked goods, gluten-free, chocolate
Group Seating Yes
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Small tables, larger tables
Hours Today See More

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