Darling Coffee

Workability Rating

"This is NOT a great place to go if you need to work on a computer. They segregate laptop users from non-laptop customers and only 2 tables and a counter are available for laptops. Their WiFi rarely works (I've found wi-fi to work maybe 1 time out of 5), so even if you get a spot, you'll want to bring your own hotspot. On the weekends you can NOT work here with a computer at all.@Mandercorn only goes here when they have non-tech items to work on, such as grading. On the upside, the baked goods and coffee are fantastic and the space itself is inviting and open. It's conveniently located right off the 207th, and it's a train stop on Broadway."

Discovered by mandercorn & Alex
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Workspace Type Public space
4961 Broadway, New York
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
Unknown | Add
WiFi Speed
Download/Upload in Mb/s
18.20 / 2.50
Upload Speed 2.50
Download Speed 18.20
Upload Speed 2.50
Network Latency 25 Ms
Noise Level Moderate
Plugs Many
Coffee Plowshares Coffee Roasters, full espresso bar
Food baked goods
Group Seating Unknown
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Unknown
Hours Today See More
Tags Darling Cafe, Inwood, Broadway off 207th, A-train cafe

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  • RevL

    True, the tables window seats are saved for those not staring at their screens! However, there is room for about 15 people working on a laptop. Need an outlet? Good luck! WiFi is supplied by TWC and is free. I ran my test from logging into my Time Warner account. They may throttle their service when using the free access? Not certain.

    Solid coffee, baked goods are made in house, and charming staff from my experience!!!

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