Espacio Serratosa

Workability Rating

"There are multiple plans for diverse needs and styles, but what is really outstanding and unique about this cowork space is the magnificent old building that hosts it, Serratosa Palace (adapted to our modern needs to be confortable) along with the very beautiful panoramic view of Montevideo´s Antique City and the harbour that you can enjoy from its rooftop during a work break. Margat Café, with its homemade exquisite lunch, it´s also a high point, as well as the friendly staff."

Discovered by sorjuana
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Workspace Type Public space
25 de Mayo 745, Montevideo
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
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Unknown | Add
WiFi Speed
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10.40 / 2.20
Upload Speed 2.20
Download Speed 10.40
Upload Speed 2.20
Network Latency 165 Ms
Noise Level Moderate
Plugs Plenty
Group Seating Unknown
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Unknown
Hours Today See More
Tags Montevideo, cowork, Uruguay, work, travel, freelancers, start ups, trabajo, oficinas, offices, laptop, entrepeneurs, nómadas,

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