
Workability Rating

"Noise level is quiet in back, louder in the front but not obtrusive. Large menu selection of food items made fresh by local vendors and brought in daily. For long term parking, park in front of the cafe, behind the building in the alley lot, on Duval N of 51st or on the residential streets surrounding the cafe."

Discovered by dswabster
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Workspace Type Public space
5011 Duval St, Austin
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
Unknown | Add
WiFi Speed
Download/Upload in Mb/s
71.90 / 15.80
Upload Speed 15.80
Download Speed 71.90
Upload Speed 15.80
Network Latency 10 Ms
Noise Level Moderate
Plugs Plenty
Alcohol Beer, Wine
Food Pizza, Sandwiches, Pastries
Group Seating Yes
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Small tables, larger tables
Hours Today See More

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  • Consistently good coffee and Italian cream soda, a variety of snacks available. A lot of seating is available, but the indoor tables are often full. Outdoor seating is plentiful and there are power outlets everywhere–even outside. Outdoor seating is covered and has ceiling fans. Wifi is quite fast. This is my preferred coffeeshop for remote working in Austin. Parking is very limited.

  • lhollaway

    Trying this place out for the first time today and so far I’m liking it. Several seating areas (front, back and patio) and outlets for plugging in. The coffee is good (I chose a 1/2 caff iced Americano w/ almond milk) and the Taco Deli breakfast tacos are to die for. So far the internet is working very well at 9am (they have two networks). I will be co-working with friends today, so I look forward to trying one of their lunch options in a few hours.
    The gal behind the counter making the coffee is VERY nice and outgoing. I’m loving the retro vibe of this place as well.

    • lhollaway

      Update…I stayed until around 3pm and the wifi was great the entire time! I will definitely be coming back to work here!

    • jennclay

      Yep this place is a favorite! Coffee is good (try the New Orleans Iced…yum!). Lots of options for snacks and meals even though they don’t have a kitchen. And like Lara said, the girl at the counter is great!
      I really like the noise level too. Nice music playing at just the right level for ambiance. It’s quiet enough to concentrate but not to the point where you feel like you can’t talk to your coworkers or take phone calls. Perfect!

  • Very quiet and looks like your grandmas house. Friendly staff and lots of places to sit. Also, there’s a chair in the bathroom?

Updated June 2018 | Improve this listing  | Flag as unvailable | Flag as spam
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