GrowUp коворкинг

Workability Rating

"The place looks more like an open space room inside Becar Real Estate Agency office. The quiet hall appeared to be an open space with a walk-through for Becar employees (=sales people - the loudest ones) who don't respect coworking residents and speak very loudly. Maybe I'm not the lucky one, but when I bought a pass to this coworking, the coworking administrator told me that there wouldn't be any renovation (they had started renovating the kitchen in the coworking recently, and there disappeared a common resting space for residents). The next day they started repairs works in the middle of the business day. They just put a note:"Sorry, we are renovating the room" and kept the loud noises. The administrator didn't give a shit about this until she was asked to handle this. It feels like the coworking administration doesn't pay any respect to the residents. Still, there are good things about this coworking too. They have a coffee machine and offer cheaper prices for resident passes than in other coworkings."

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Workspace Type Public space
Б. Сампсониевский, д.61, 2 этаж, Санкт-Петербург, Россия, 194044, Санкт-Петербург
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
CWR | co-working
WiFi Speed
Download/Upload in Mb/s
5.40 / 11.50
Upload Speed 11.50
Download Speed 5.40
Upload Speed 11.50
Network Latency 25 Ms
Noise Level Heavy
Plugs Plenty
Group Seating Yes
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Larger table
Hours Today See More
Tags Коворкинг / Место для совместной работы

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