Heden Lisboa

Workability Rating

"Heden is a creative hub set in the heart of one of Lisbon's most beautiful neighborhoods.Its bright 500m2 multifunctional setting features coworking desks, lounge areas, art studios and an event space.We're part of the first Portuguese renewable energy cooperative and thrive to contain our carbon footprint.At Heden you'll find a quiet and calm place to be productive, meet other local creatives, and partake in events featuring exciting Portuguese and international talent, all just a stone's throw away from some of Lisbon's most stunning views."

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Workspace Type Public space
Tv. Pereira 35 a, Lisboa
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
Unknown | Add
WiFi Speed
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33.30 / 21.20
Upload Speed 21.20
Download Speed 33.30
Upload Speed 21.20
Network Latency 45 Ms
Noise Level Moderate to low
Plugs Plenty
Group Seating Yes
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Larger table, lounge chairs / couches
Hours Today See More
Tags coworking, events space, events, art, exhibitions, meeting room, sustainable, community, workspace,

People are saying  

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  • This is a fantastic coworking space. Pretty and with that community feeling that most coworking spaces lack of. They organize yoga classes, get togethers, intimate concerts… very recommendable.

  • Heden is a creative hub set in the heart of one of Lisbon’s most beautiful neighborhoods.
    Its bright 500m2 multifunctional setting features coworking desks, lounge areas, art studios and an event space.
    We’re part of the first Portuguese renewable energy cooperative and thrive to contain our carbon footprint.
    At Heden you’ll find a quiet and calm place to be productive, meet other local creatives, and partake in events featuring exciting Portuguese and international talent, all just a stone’s throw away from some of Lisbon’s most stunning views.

Updated June 2018 | Improve this listing  | Flag as unvailable | Flag as spam
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