
Workability Rating

"Here at lunch on a weekday (Wednesday) and it's not too busy. Music is pretty chilled, so you can still chat, maybe even videochat if needed. Upstairs is more of a quiet workspace I found, with no music."

Discovered by lozdogz
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Workspace Type Public space
Madách Imre út 8. (Rumbach Sebestyén u.), Budapest
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
konyha | konyhabudapest
WiFi Speed
Download/Upload in Mb/s
47.60 / 1.80
Upload Speed 1.80
Download Speed 47.60
Upload Speed 1.80
Network Latency 27 Ms
Noise Level Moderate
Plugs Plenty
Alcohol Beer, Wine, Cocktails
Food Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Group Seating Yes
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Small tables, larger table, lounge chairs / couches
Hours Today See More
Tags cafe, empty, lemonade, coffee, food, lunch, open

People are saying  

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  • Looks like a great shop but I was told by staff that after 6pm they don’t allow laptops to be out. Just a heads up for anyone trying to work a little later there!

  • Kruecke

    Great place to work. Fast WiFi, works also outside on the terrace. Upstairs also comfortable workspaces. Limonade freshly made, good coffee, delicious lunch. One of the best places i found in Budapest.

  • ddutro

    Just got to Budapest and this is definitely one of my immediate favorites. Plenty of desks upstairs with couches and views of the street. Fast Wi-Fi and locals working on startups there. plus great coffee.

  • I’ve been coming to Konyha every day now and can’t seem to leave.. It’s the perfect place to work or meet with friends.

    There are two floors, both with areas/tables fit for one, a few, or a party of people. There are even a few couches! Outlets are not hidden and close to every table. Wifi is strong but I wouldn’t recommend you host a Skype meeting here.

    They play the best tunes, subtle enough to keep you in the zone but funky enough to keep you groovin. The staff is so friendly and hip, as are the locals who work here.

    Highly recommend!

  • This whole area (Jewish quarter I think) has plenty of decent cafes that are pretty chilled, have good desks and wifi

Updated September 2016 | Improve this listing  | Flag as unvailable | Flag as spam
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