La Ciudad Invisible | Café-librería de viajes

Workability Rating

"Check out the place downstairs for better tables for working, in their area which they seem to light up only later in the afternoon. Artsy and cozy, with lots of comfortable sofas and chairs."

Discovered by Tobias Sjösten
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Workspace Type Public space
C. Costanilla de los Ángeles, 7, Madrid
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
Unknown | Add
WiFi Speed
Download/Upload in Mb/s
0.60 / 0.10
Upload Speed 0.10
Download Speed 0.60
Upload Speed 0.10
Network Latency 25 Ms
Noise Level Moderate
Plugs Limited
Alcohol Beer, Wine, Cocktails
Food Snacks and salads.
Group Seating Yes
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Small tables, larger table
Hours Today See More

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  • During the week days it is pretty quiet, but they still ask you to work at the main table if you are on there to work/study. No plugs. They give you a wifi pass, which has a time limit, and I believe the time limit varies depending on what you buy (e.g. a coffee is 1 hour).

  • victorialove

    Nice place but the Internet was quite poor and there were no usable plugs

Updated September 2016 | Improve this listing  | Flag as unvailable | Flag as spam
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