La Štruk

Workability Rating

"This is not your typical place to work from, but actually other than the rush hours, it's an absolutely awesome option. It's a small cozy food place in the heart of Zagreb that only serves one kind of food called Strukle, and the thing is amazing beyond words. The WiFi here is the fastest I've found in 2 weeks in Zagreb. There is a power outlet near every table. At noon and evening the place gets absolutely crowded and is a bad time to stay. Other than that I worked here for nearly 8 hours, having both breakfast and lunch (the apple-cinnamon strukle is easily one of the best things I've ever had in my life) and managed to be really productive thanks to how small and quiet the place is."

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Workspace Type Public space
Skalinska ul. 5, 10000, Zagreb, Zagreb
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
strukla | struklala
WiFi Speed
Download/Upload in Mb/s
30.50 / 8.10
Upload Speed 8.10
Download Speed 30.50
Upload Speed 8.10
Network Latency 29 Ms
Noise Level Moderate to low
Plugs Plenty
Coffee Good cappuchino
Food Ask for the Jabuka strukle. Leave thank you notes in the comments
Group Seating Yes
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Small tables
Hours Today See More

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  • mdissen

    no power outlets where the WiFi is, very small

Updated December 2016 | Improve this listing  | Flag as unvailable | Flag as spam
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