Punta la Barca

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"To get the most out of your time at Punta la barca.. Be local: you have local hosts, go with them into the village! Talk to the fishermen even if it s in sign language, go football with the locals, see how they live,.. It s so basic but so nice, there is a lot of inspiration in there!And also.. Give your mind and body the relaxation that it needs. Go kitesurf. Look for the whales. Run on the beach. Relax on the beach. Paddle towards the sunset. It s close, it s for free , it s easy.. no more excuses to give your body the freedom it craves :)"

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Workspace Type Public space
barrio punta la barca, manta
Hours of Operations See Google
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Noise Level Moderate to low
Plugs Many
Group Seating Yes
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Small tables, larger table, lounge chairs / couches
Hours Today See More
Tags colive, nomad, inspiration, eco, beach, kitesurf, Group Friendly, Outdoor Seating, Air Conditioned, Kid Friendly, Natural Light, Pet Friendly, Car Parking, Bike Parking, Drop Ins Accepted

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  • Punta la Barca is an inspirational base for likeminded nomads in Ecuador. Think nature (deserted beach, whales..), outdoors (kitesurf, campfire, beachtennis,..), rural (small fishing village), local (we == young local family). The life in this village is still very different from our ‘modern life’ (very community-based, plenty of time, surprisingly sustainable,..), an inspirational environment to anyone dreaming of doing some good for the world!

Updated April 2018 | Improve this listing  | Flag as unvailable | Flag as spam
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