
Workability Rating

"This small coffee shop is located on a busy street in the Schwabing district of Munich, just 3 blocks from the UBahn (subway). Owners Jules (a Brit), Joern (German) and their staff are super friendly and have made the place cozy with reading material and comfy benches. No WiFi limit, Workfromers welcome. Best quiet times are weekdays before 12.30. Car parking is tough, bikes can park on street or in courtyard behind building. Most food is made on-site--it's healthy, largely veg, and features creative salads, wraps and soups (ex: farro salad with cucumber, peppers, sun-dried tomatoes and a basil-mint-pine nut pesto). The baked goods are outrageously delish -- Jules' mom bakes them -- and the homemade juices are great."

Kate R
Discovered by Kate R
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Workspace Type Public space
Hohenzollernstrasse 12, Munich (München)
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
Unknown | Add
WiFi Speed
Download/Upload in Mb/s
430.90 / 127.40
Upload Speed 127.40
Download Speed 430.90
Upload Speed 127.40
Network Latency 13 Ms
Noise Level Moderate
Plugs None
Coffee Emilo Kaffee. Espresso variations.
Tea Tea, flavored teas, fruit and herbal infusions
Alcohol Beer, Wine
Food Breakfast toasts and muesli; vegetarian and vegan wraps, salads, soups; cake, cookies and croissants; fresh juices; beer, wine, prosecco.
Group Seating Yes
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Small tables
Hours Today See More
Tags cafe, schwabing, munich, coffee, wifi, münchner freiheit, work

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  • tbirdal

    Not the best coffee but good people and cozy atmosphere. Little and cute.

  • Nice friendly place, but the Wifi isn’t super fast

Updated April 2017 | Improve this listing  | Flag as unvailable | Flag as spam
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