Sawada Coffee

Workability Rating

"Theres a long window table with about 10 small seats facing green street. There is also gigantic square table with room for 12 seats and has an extension cord conveniently hanging from the middle of the ceiling to plug into. The vibe here is lively and productive with natural light. The coffee is unique and specialized, but a little pricey; the portions are huge though. This space sits inside of a restaurant called Green Street Smoked Meats and High Five Ramen. It really shocked me to see this Coffice-Oasis attached to a legendary BBQ spot. The interior is spacious with vintage decor. The energy this place gives off is open and welcoming.I always carry a small mobile power strip so I only take one port on the wall. $15 3 outlet powerstrip no bigger my laptop's power block. (MicroCenter)I think the place is open past 1700 as I was there today up until 1745. They are open 7 days a week."

Discovered by jkhh07 & CharmBTrippin
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Workspace Type Public space
112 N Green St, Chicago
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
ilikematcha | Sawada
WiFi Speed
Download/Upload in Mb/s
129.10 / 23.80
Upload Speed 23.80
Download Speed 129.10
Upload Speed 23.80
Network Latency 13 Ms
Noise Level Moderate
Plugs Plenty
Alcohol Beer, Wine, Cocktails
Food Legendary BBQ and Ramen
Group Seating Yes
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Small tables, larger tables
Hours Today See More
Tags Coffice, Coffee workspace, Coffispace, West Loop, Greek Town, Randolph, Green Street

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  • Plenty of space to sit, as it shares the space with Green Street Smoked Meats. The only thing is that there aren’t any outlets in the Green Street part. They have 3-port outlets at the table in the Sawada area, though.

  • emigriff

    Loud music but sweet environment. Plenty of space. Starts to have a few more food customers at lunch but vibe is good, coffee is good, internet is fast. Saw lots of coffee meetings in the AM

  • ShellieE

    great vibe. parking was a bit of the pain especially around lunch time

  • It shares the space with Green Street Smoked Meats so you can get some BBQ too!

Updated August 2017 | Improve this listing  | Flag as unvailable | Flag as spam
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