Taszo Espresso Bar

Workability Rating

"There is a designated work space in the back of the store. The wifi code (which you ask for at the counter) is good for two hours and the wifi is very reliable. Don't bother bringing your computers on the weekends because there is a no computer policy on Saturdays and Sundays"

Discovered by knopplm & Gillian C
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Workspace Type Public space
5 Edward M Morgan Pl (b/t 157th and 158th Streets), New York
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
Unknown | Add
WiFi Speed
Download/Upload in Mb/s
4.30 / 1.10
Upload Speed 1.10
Download Speed 4.30
Upload Speed 1.10
Network Latency 31 Ms
Noise Level Moderate
Plugs Many
Tea good variety
Alcohol Beer, Wine
Food breakfast, sandwiches, quiche, snacks
Group Seating Yes
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Larger tables
Hours Today See More
Tags cafe, coffee shop, beer, kombucha

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  • The owner no longer allows people to work on laptops at the cafe any day of the week. The back table is gone, replaced by a bar.

  • gculff88

    If you are working at a computer you are required to sit in the back area of the cafe, which is set up for working, with lots of power outlets available. All of the seating for people working on computers is communal. There’s a long, wooden table with power outlets down the center as well as a bar with stools, also with outlets. The half dozen or so deuce tables in the main cafe also have outlets, and you can charge your phone there while you eat or drink, but they won’t let you work at those tables. They tend to play music from the 70s and 80s, some of it pretty bad pop hits, but the music isn’t loud or obtrusive. They serve halfway decent food, beer, kombucha, tea and coffee, and lemonade, and they are open late for a cafe. It’s convenient to the #1 subway line and the M4 and M5 buses. And somehow, there always seem to be cute guys here.

  • I really enjoy this place for food and coffee but unfortunately my experience when bringing my laptop was negative. You can only use your laptop in the back of the coffee shop on the 1 communal table, bit of a cramped area, don’t open your laptop or tablet to work up front, the owner will make you move to the back.

Updated August 2017 | Improve this listing  | Flag as unvailable | Flag as spam
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