
Workability Rating

"I reached out to TechHub as an American travelling to Perth for six weeks. They've been great about getting me situated with my own desk, plenty of access to power and fast wifi, and a perfect spot to work in the city. Highly recommend, but be sure to reach out to them first, as you can't just drop by. After a few weeks: I'm absolutely in love with the space! Parking is included, and the folks there are very friendly and helpful. The location is perfect, with access to Perth Underground and all of the cultural benefits of downtown."

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Workspace Type Public space
4 Money Street, Perth
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
Unknown | Add
WiFi Speed
Download/Upload in Mb/s
4.70 / 18.40
Upload Speed 18.40
Download Speed 4.70
Upload Speed 18.40
Network Latency 53 Ms
Noise Level Moderate to low
Plugs Plenty
Food There are plenty of cafes and coffee shops nearby.
Group Seating Unknown
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Unknown
Hours Today See More
Tags Co-Working, co-op work space

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