The Coffee Pod

Workability Rating

"Loads of light (on a sunny day, which is luck of the draw, really) and views of some pretty cool looking old architecture. The shop sells light food (pastries/sandwiches/pizza/soups/porridges) and has all-day breakfast deals. Large open space in main section, with a smaller space to the left of entrance. They also sell ice cream. Open later than most coffee shops in town. Mostly empty and quiet (although not library quiet) around 4p on a Wed."

Discovered by Lauren
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Workspace Type Public space
40-42 Woodlands Rd, Glasgow
Hours of Operations See Google
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liveatthepod | The Coffee Pod
WiFi Speed
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8.30 / 0.30
Upload Speed 0.30
Download Speed 8.30
Upload Speed 0.30
Network Latency 26 Ms
Noise Level Moderate to low
Plugs Limited
Group Seating Unknown
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Standing bar / counter, lounge chairs / couches
Hours Today See More
Tags coffee shop, cafe, ice cream, artisan coffee , local roaster, artsy,

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