Townshend's Tea Company

Workability Rating

"This is a brand new space in the Newark area of Park City. It's a great location for those of you trying to kick the coffee habit or just shake up your work location a little bit. If you need something more heavy duty, the Park City Coworking place is just down the way. Here, you can get your tea or kombucha fix. They have a few community tables, some lounge chairs and even a couch in back. There's some standing/sitting bar space and there's plenty of plugs. The vibe is a cool one, which goes to show what happens when a little Portland finds its way into Park City. Obviously, they only serve tea... so if you need coffee you'll have to find it somewhere else. The food is limited to breakfast-y oatmeal and pastries, but with a lot of food options in the area, you're better off going to Maxwell's, Jupiter Bowl, or Kneaders for food anyway. All in all, this might be a new favorite place at home for me to work."

Discovered by aarondewald
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Workspace Type Public space
1241 Center Drive #L160, Park City
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
WiFi Speed
Download/Upload in Mb/s
23.80 / 12.30
Upload Speed 12.30
Download Speed 23.80
Upload Speed 12.30
Network Latency 29 Ms
Noise Level Moderate to low
Plugs Many
Group Seating Yes
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Larger table, standing bar / counter, lounge chairs / couches
Hours Today See More
Tags tea, park city, chill

Updated January 2024 | Improve this listing  | Flag as unvailable | Flag as spam
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