ДАЧИ Надежда-3

Workability Rating

"Password: Changes regularly so ask the staff :) The restaurant attached to the hotel was recently upgraded and renovated. It co-joins in with another restaurant 'Verandah' and a bar 'Good Wine Story' so if you don't want to be working on your laptop from a restaurant or a bar, this place in between is perfect: casual, no stress and you can order food and drinks from either restaurant or the bar.The restaurant here is open for breakfast from 7:30am until 10:30am for hotel guests, but you can also come here off the street and either grab a drink, or opt for their unlimited bar-tea cart for 200 roubles or have access to the bar-tea cart and get a choice of a hot breakfast for 350 roubles.At 10:30am the restaurant cleans up and semi-closes down until lunch at 12pm and then stays open until usually midnight (kitchen sometimes closes earlier, so double check with hotel reception)."

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Workspace Type Public space
ul. Ilyicha, 10, Akademgorodok
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9.90 / 2.70
Upload Speed 2.70
Download Speed 9.90
Upload Speed 2.70
Network Latency 1126 Ms
Noise Level Moderate
Plugs Many
Group Seating Unknown
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Unknown
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