Bourgeois Pig

Workability Rating

"Elegant, old-timey space that opens up once you head upstairs. There's a 3 hour daily WiFi limit if you signup with a valid email address, or you can pay for more time from the network landing page. Upstairs area has 4 smaller tables (seating 2 with laptop), a bigger table (seating 4 with laptop), a couch and a booth.Big space. Left side of the establishment has great sandwiches and salads, right side has coffee and pastries. Between the two sides and the upstairs, there are plenty of places to work and meet. Front patio is open in warmer weather. Staple for DePaul students, but welcome to all."

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Workspace Type Public space
738 W Fullerton Ave (at Burling St.), Chicago
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
WiFi Speed
Download/Upload in Mb/s
7.20 / 2.90
Upload Speed 2.90
Download Speed 7.20
Upload Speed 2.90
Network Latency 14 Ms
Noise Level Moderate
Plugs Many
Coffee Mochas, lattes, espressos, drip
Tea Lots of in-house specials. Jars of assorted teas.
Food Sandwiches/paninis, all-day breakfast. Belgian waffles!
Group Seating Yes
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Small tables, larger tables, lounge chairs / couches
Hours Today See More
Tags Lincoln park cafe, Lincoln park Chicago, vintage workplace, all-day breakfast

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  • NAnd6

    I love this place, but the Internet seems unreliable. I keep losing connection every few minutes. It comes right back, but it’s quite obnoxious.

  • Got 8 down / 1 up 16 ms here today. the ping time is actually pretty important – a ping time of like 20ms consistently will hold a skype call better than just good bandwidth. Would love to see the wifi stats allow some sort of averaging of checked in users who test (just 1 test may not be representative), and include the ping time.

    • It’s great feedback and we are working something in this area. Thanks for the insights and please feel free to add speed tests to comments as you visit places. Rest assured we are collecting them and will put them to good use.

Updated December 2016 | Improve this listing  | Flag as unvailable | Flag as spam
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