Campus London Cafe

Workability Rating

"Packed with entrepreneurs and freelancers, music, foosball, job postings, patio. Can be difficult to find a seat. Benches are hard wood, no cushion, but you can bring your own. Register for a free membership to gain access to the cafe at Monthly and annual rental options give residents access to additional amenities and dedicated spaces. Two main event rooms - an auditorium that can fit 135 people, and a smaller room for 70 people."

Discovered by dideler & guido
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Workspace Type Public space
4-5 Bonhill St, Shoreditch
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
Campus Wi-Fi | wealthkernel
WiFi Speed
Download/Upload in Mb/s
287.80 / 245.60
Upload Speed 245.60
Download Speed 287.80
Upload Speed 245.60
Network Latency 8 Ms
Noise Level Moderate
Plugs Plenty
Food cafe food
Group Seating Yes
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Small tables, larger tables, standing bar / counter, lounge chairs / couches
Hours Today See More
Tags Outdoor Seating, Has Power, Popular

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  • You need to attend one of their monday events to get a key to access this place. After that you can go as you please. Problem: there are never any seats, it’s packed, and people can be loud and insensitive while talking on the phone. It’s a nice place but I pretty much never go there just because it’s just impossible to get a seat anymore.

  • cba85

    You have to be a member of the Campus to access this place. It’s free, but first, you have to signup online then join a “New member orientation” event on

  • cba85

    You have to be a member of the Campus to access this place. It’s free, but first, you have to signup online then join a “New member orientation” event on

  • guyguy

    Google’s free subterranean coworking space, always lots of people, possibly less open collaboration than Google intended, fast wifi, bottomless filter coffee and everything else you’d expect, leafy terrace, downcast tablemates, slightly haughty cafe staff, and free entry forever upon registration.

  • It’s closed on the weekend.

    • Thanks, updated!

Updated July 2018 | Improve this listing  | Flag as unvailable | Flag as spam
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