
Workability Rating

"Look to the far corner, under middle table and table next to the door for outlets. It's less crowded in the afternoon and more crowded around 9/10 am. Get perks for dressing up on Friday. Happy hour from 4-8:30pm on Th/Fr. WiFi can be hit or miss (see comments below).Modern aesthetic, music is usually indie (the Shins, Foster the People), but sometimes oldies or classic rock (the Beatles) and Christmas music for the holidays. Kid friendly. In the film exchange building, which was used by studios like Paramount and Fox to distribute movies and posters. Known for their coconut scones."

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Workspace Type Public space
915 NW 19th Ave., Portland
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
owlboo | owlboo13
WiFi Speed
Download/Upload in Mb/s
17.20 / 3.70
Upload Speed 3.70
Download Speed 17.20
Upload Speed 3.70
Network Latency 14 Ms
Noise Level Moderate to low
Plugs Limited
Coffee Sisters
Tea Kombucha
Food pastries, breakfast, lunch, sandwiches, salads, gluten free,
Group Seating Yes
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Small tables, larger table
Hours Today See More

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  • Quiet, good coffee. My first time working here, I received an unexpected (short, quiet) client call, and one of the staff (likely a manager) came over and told me I couldn’t be on the phone. As I was in the middle of the call, I couldn’t exactly hang up on my client. I went over and apologized a couple minutes later when we were finished. She was polite about it, but it was clear it was an ‘understood’ policy, but this wasn’t posted anywhere, so I hadn’t known. Just a heads up. Would be a great spot to meet with a friend sans work, but calls are a no-go here.

  • Qpdx

    Password updated to bettywhite

    • Updated. Thank you 🙂

  • Had huge problems with the WIFI here… was only able to access a few websites, and those only intermittently.

    • Bummer! Haven’t heard that yet, so good to know. We’ve been a couple times, but only for short stints so sounds like their WiFi is a little hit or miss.

    • Here this AM (I come here perhaps once a month) and wifi is painfully intermittent. Load fine one moment, then takes forever the next. Still, incredibly tasty food and a great space. Switching to my Karma.

Updated March 2019 | Improve this listing  | Flag as unvailable | Flag as spam
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