CT coffee and coconuts

Workability Rating

"Personally like the top floor most, good variety of tables and bean bag chairs. Definitely gets busier around noon (weekdays) but I got there just befor 10 and had plenty of spots to choose from. Staff was not bothered that I stayed about 4 hours. Great food and coffee, highly recommend this spot!"

Discovered by Jenn & Clément
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Workspace Type Public space
Ceintuurbaan 282-284, Amsterdam
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
Unknown | Add
WiFi Speed
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10.90 / 21.60
Upload Speed 21.60
Download Speed 10.90
Upload Speed 21.60
Network Latency 16 Ms
Noise Level Moderate
Plugs Limited
Group Seating Yes
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Larger table, lounge chairs / couches
Hours Today See More
Tags Coffee Shop

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  • brookehurford

    The wifi seems to have improved! Agree that it’s loud, but it’s a cool lively atmosphere. Lots of couches and bean bag type chairs, good food. If you’re looking for a trendy ish / lively place this is good 🙂 If you’re looking for cozy or quiet, probably not.

  • cba85


  • vasvalch

    The communal table downstairs is a great place to work from, provided that you enjoy the white noise of a coffee place. It is loud, but to me, that’s not necessarily a bad thing – I enjoy the social element. I’d go there on days when I need to get stuff done on my own and I don’t have any calls scheduled.

    The staff is super friendly and smiling and they are OK with extended stays (of course, don’t be a jerk and order some breakfast or coffees every 2 hours)

  • Really loud music and due to the high ceiling you can basically hear everyone’s conversation. Nevertheless, I like the overall vibe and good coffee/food options. If you can sit at the big communal table downstairs it is quite comfy! And it is open until 23:00 while most coffee shops close at 18:00 on Sunday.
    I will come back to try the table upstairs.

  • mkwgraphics

    Wish there were more outlets! Would love to work from the upstairs but am instead waiting for a spot to open up at the lower communal table. Such a cute place, reminds me of California!

  • cba85

    Very loud. It’s very cool but not the best place for working.

Updated March 2019 | Improve this listing  | Flag as unvailable | Flag as spam
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