Dominican Joe Coffee Shop

Workability Rating

"Get here early to get a seat. Or consider it a great way to get to know another mobile worker when you share a table.Dominican Joe is a comfortable place to work with numerous inside/outside seating options. It seems to be consistently busy throughout the day (thanks to the ambiance and great coffee!), so seating choices can be limited."

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Workspace Type Public space
515 S Congress Ave (W. Riverside Dr.), Austin
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
WiFi Speed
Download/Upload in Mb/s
2.20 / 0.10
Upload Speed 0.10
Download Speed 2.20
Upload Speed 0.10
Network Latency 27 Ms
Noise Level Moderate
Plugs Many
Group Seating Unknown
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Unknown
Hours Today See More
Tags Coffee House

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  • This space is now Bennu instead of Domincan Joe. Great place to work, but the WiFi is a tad slow at 10 Mbps.

  • paulsiff

    This location is now called Bennu Coffee. It is 24/7 which seems crazy to me, but it stays busy into the night. Sometimes it will be aglow with laptop screens at 11:00 pm!

  • • WiFi is incredibly slow ( says 1.3mbps).
    • Prices for coffee reflect the cost of the area, about $4 for a mug of tea, $4-6 for coffee.
    • No bicycle parking, but there is some nearby at the burrito place at the other end of the plaza.
    • Decent vibes, relaxed background music.
    • No outlets unless tables are against the wall, and even then there’s not enough for each table to have a single outlet

    April 2017

  • lhollaway

    Coffee is very good and they have Taco Deli tacos, so that won me over. I really like this coffee shop. Ton of natural light and plenty of tables. They also have an outdoor patio which I will try out during a non-summer month.
    The baristas are all very nice and helpful, and the internet is pretty good. There have been a few moments today where it has slowed down a bit, but they have two networks, so that helps.
    There is a nice buzz of conversation, but it is not too loud. I will definitely come back to this coffee shop to work soon.

Updated February 2016 | Improve this listing  | Flag as unvailable | Flag as spam
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