Farley's East

Workability Rating

"Lots of small tables for individual work. Check out the upstairs loft area. I like to sit at the counter at the end of the loft overlooking below — great for ambient people-watching and adds to the conversational white noise. They also have a little outdoor "parklet" which could be nice on warmer days.Last 4 musical artists played: Celine Dion, Madonna, Wilson Philips, Richard Marx (depending on who you are, this may be a good or bad thing. It may just be the music du jour)"

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Workspace Type Public space
33 Grand Ave (Broadway), Oakland
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
Farleys | farleyscoffee
WiFi Speed
Download/Upload in Mb/s
54.30 / 12.00
Upload Speed 12.00
Download Speed 54.30
Upload Speed 12.00
Network Latency 17 Ms
Noise Level Moderate
Plugs Many
Coffee Drip, pour over, iced coffee and espresso.
Tea 5 Mountains
Food Egg sandwiches, Frittata of the day, sausage, bacon, bagels, salads, sandwiches, panini,
Group Seating Yes
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Small tables, larger table, standing bar / counter, lounge chairs / couches
Hours Today See More
Tags Oakland, Uptown Oakland, Downtown Oakland, Loft, Coffee, Food, Urban, Loft, Outdoor

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  • infamousbatcannon

    While the Internet actually works well (only for a few hours until they ban you), this place isn’t very comfortable if you need power.

    East Farley’s has a lot of capacity for people (individual tables, shared bars, shared tables, 2-person tables, upstairs & downstairs), but there’s literally only two locations to plug-in for power in the entire place. Both sit at the bar upstairs. That bar table is miserably short (read: wrist pain), and not pleasant to work from.

    Worse, after a few hours, your internet will stop working. After spending some time wondering why the server is timing out, hopping to a new/non-cached website redirects you to their norton-powered middleware box with a meesage “Currently under blackout period, You can log in after 05:50:18 hrs:mins:secs”. So after a few hours, they force you out for 6 hours. Of course, this can be overcome by changing your mac address & stuff, but it shows they aren’t very friendly to people who want to buy a coffee & get some work done for 4 hours.

    On the plus side, they don’t have signs up everywhere that state the bathrooms are for customers only. So they are providing some benefit to the community..

Updated January 2017 | Improve this listing  | Flag as unvailable | Flag as spam
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