Fully (Formerly Ergo Depot) +4

Workability Rating

"Come work in our active office wonderland! Enjoy single-use height adjustable Jarvis desks, fixed height tables, comfy couches, and more.

We also have a large height adjustable Jarvis conference table that comfortably seats 6 people but can squeeze up to 8!

Enjoy free kombucha and cold brew coffee on tap, as well as hot coffee, teas, and more!"

Discovered by chris.clark
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Workspace Type Public space
1010 SE Water Ave, Portland
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
Capisco66 | Fully Water Avenue
WiFi Speed
Download/Upload in Mb/s
210.40 / 229.30
Upload Speed 229.30
Download Speed 210.40
Upload Speed 229.30
Network Latency 11 Ms
Noise Level Moderate
Plugs Many
Group Seating Yes
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Small tables, larger table, standing bar / counter, lounge chairs / couches
Hours Today See More
Web & Social Website  
Tags Furniture / Home Store

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  • brookehurford

    Awesome place to work! Super friendly staff and so welcoming to people working 🙂 There are a lot of cool chairs to try out, different spaces of working (sitting/standing/lounging). Highly recommend trying this space out.

  • Nice space & people.


    I was visiting Portland for a few days and wanted somewhere that had standing/walking desks available to work at. I must have called almost a dozen coworking spaces, and nobody had anything to offer but sitting spots. Did you know that sitting is considered the new smoking? (Look it up on Google).

    And I thought Portland was hip!?

    It turns out that Fully is the epicenter of the “future of work” in Portland.

    They have all the best furniture and accessories for sitting, standing and walking while you work.

    Also, they love having people work from their space where their is a great vibe with fresh brewed coffee and kombucha on tap. Their staff are friendly, helpful and knowledgeable. Their internet connection is fast, their location is central. I highly recommend Fully as a great place to work from, and you might just walk out with a new favorite desk or chair.

  • What a great space to get some work done! The ergonomic chairs and desks are fantastic. The people who work here are really accommodating as well.

Updated February 2019 | Improve this listing  | Flag as unvailable | Flag as spam
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