The Marlton Hotel

Workability Rating

"Unlimited wifi, fair food menu, limited access to outlets, fireplace. Espresso Bar hours listed. They have waiter service and they are great about not bothering you too often.There is a fireplace which is awesome. The noise level is perfect so that you can take a phone call but not feel bad about it. It is easy to get to."

Discovered by julesferree & Tonypecc
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Workspace Type Public space
5 W 8th St (5th Ave), New York
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
Marlton_guest | Marlton_guest
WiFi Speed
Download/Upload in Mb/s
19.10 / 20.80
Upload Speed 20.80
Download Speed 19.10
Upload Speed 20.80
Network Latency 7 Ms
Noise Level Moderate
Plugs Limited
Coffee Ferndell Coffee Roasters
Alcohol Beer, Wine, Cocktails
Food Margaux Restaurant and Cocktail Bar
Group Seating Unknown
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Unknown
Hours Today See More

People are saying  

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  • Checked this o last Monday. Great tables or cushy cahirs and there’s fireplace in the main living room. Most freelancers and students order a pot of tea for $5.00 and nurse that for hours. People do talk on their phonea, but at respectful levels. It really was pretty quite all day. I’m sure a lot of ypu know about it already, buy this was a first time for me. Lookong for other realativley quiet spots to work.

  • garrisonstacy

    Love it here. Best public work experience for me, ever. Been here four hours. Quiet. Took two hourlong phone calls. Had an amazing lunch. Grab one of the silver tables; the outlet is between them. No raised eyebrows (I’m sure because of my buying lunch but they have a few inexpensive noshes), no hassle. Will become a haunt of mine for sure.

  • MollyKoe

    I loved, loved, loved this place. The Wifi, food and atmosphere was great! There was an issue finding an outlet, though.

Updated January 2016 | Improve this listing  | Flag as unvailable | Flag as spam
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