Moniker Coffee Co. +3

Workability Rating

"Large open space. Ample seating. Only a few outlets. Great wifi. Great vibes. Great coffee! Favorite spot to work in San Diego. They have about 12 beers on draft."

Discovered by Renee
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Workspace Type Public space
2860 Sims Rd, San Diego
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
dreamfactory | Moniker General Wi-Fi
WiFi Speed
Download/Upload in Mb/s
97.00 / 22.60
Upload Speed 22.60
Download Speed 97.00
Upload Speed 22.60
Network Latency 18 Ms
Noise Level Moderate
Plugs Limited
Alcohol Beer
Food Baked Goods
Group Seating Yes
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Larger tables, standing bar / counter, lounge chairs / couches
Hours Today See More
Tags Liberty Station, Moniker General, point loma,

People are saying  

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  • ScouserInTrousers

    Great open space with plenty of light, tables, seating. The açaí bowl is tasty and there’s a good amount of fellow laptop-starers

  • kdepasse

    Great spot! Loud as others have said (crowds and flight path), but great wifi and coffee!

  • ianhunter

    Really beautiful space, friendly people and amazingly fast WIFI

  • Huiyunkim

    The salted caramel is pretty damn good!

  • aarondewald

    Looks like the beer is gone, at least on March 10, 2017…

  • aarondewald

    This place is super rad. It’s half general store, half coffee shop. I concur that the vibes here are pretty sweet. There is an inordinate number of places to sit, community tables, couches, lounges, etc. They have all the usual coffee selections as well as some pastries and such. I just had one of their waffles and it was delicious. Everyone here seems to be happy as they’ve all engaged me in conversation. It’s always nice having a friendly face greet you. For those that have had a long (bad) day at work, they have 32 North beer. I’m traveling home today, otherwise I’d partake in some local brew. It isn’t horribly busy in here, but just enough traffic to keep the social buzz going. There are plenty of places to eat in the area, so it’s not lacking for options in case you need to take a break. Breakfast, pizza, groceries–it’s all here in the area. I think I may have found a new San Diego workfrom spot.

  • Great place, spacious, though can be loud (it’s in the flight path from the airport, though planes are sporadic)

  • Didrovo

    Good Beer!

Updated April 2017 | Improve this listing  | Flag as unvailable | Flag as spam
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