Star Lounge

Workability Rating

"Upstairs = quiet. Downstairs = social. Back patio is great in the warmer months."

Discovered by torireneker & ahendrix
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Workspace Type Public space
2521 W Chicago Ave, Chicago
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
Star Lounge Guests | lifeonmars
WiFi Speed
Download/Upload in Mb/s
57.00 / 12.70
Upload Speed 12.70
Download Speed 57.00
Upload Speed 12.70
Network Latency 21 Ms
Noise Level Moderate
Plugs Many
Group Seating Yes
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Small tables, larger tables
Hours Today See More

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  • Crozzlow

    At 10:15 am on a Thursday it is not possible to work here. Music is loud and baristas are loud and chatty. These are all good things, just not for working. In essence, way too many distractions for working.

  • ahendrix

    Star Lounge is one of the best coffee shops on the west side of Chicago! Located right off Chicago Avenue/Western Ave, this spot is perfect for great drinks and providing customers with a productive remote working experience. Wifi is always reliable and has never delayed productivity when sending e-mails, working on projects, or lesson planning! This shop has its own roast house right down the street (Dark Matter), so you can always depend on having one of the best cups of coffee in the city. Music can be loud at times; however, headphones canceled out any unwanted noise. If it’s a particularly nice day during your visit, sit on the patio and get work done outdoors while admiring installations featured by local Chicago artists.

  • ahendrix

    I enjoy working outside; however, it can be difficult to see a computer screen when the sun is blinding. Star Lounge’s back patio offers work spaces with direct sunlight, and shaded areas too! Working outside can now be enjoyable for everyone 🙂

    Street parking and bike access have never been an issue for me at this location. Service is friendly and speedy with a variety of coffee/tea products for purchase. Even though there are not private rooms available for an intimate work experience, Star Lounge’s environment offers plenty of space to work comfortably with limited distractions.

Updated April 2018 | Improve this listing  | Flag as unvailable | Flag as spam
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