Tried & True Coffee

Workability Rating

"Very limited seating, very limited access to outlets, but one of the few, true coffee shops in Corvallis. Outlets available at the window seats, and sometimes you can plug in behind the coffee bar, but don't count on it. Charge up before you get here or work on paperwork. Excellent coffee from Bespoken Coffee Roasters, Steven Smith teas, pastries from Sassy's."

Discovered by Julie
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Workspace Type Public space
160 SW Madison Ave, Corvallis
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
TNT | coldbrew
WiFi Speed
Download/Upload in Mb/s
5.30 / 0.80
Upload Speed 0.80
Download Speed 5.30
Upload Speed 0.80
Network Latency 37 Ms
Noise Level Moderate
Plugs Limited
Coffee Bespoken, espresso, brewed
Tea Steven Smith teas
Food Sassy's bakery, granola
Group Seating Yes
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Small tables, standing bar / counter
Hours Today See More
Tags Bespoken, Steven Smith tea, espresso

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