Albina Press

Workability Rating

"WiFi can be sporadic, especially when busy—which is common. If you need a reliable connection, avoid this space between 10:30am and 1pm. Back garage door / wall opens in nice weather for an outside experience. A couple of picnic tables are uncovered in the front. Tons of outlets. Bike parking. This location has air conditioning.There are outlets about every four to six seats. The music is fairly loud but the atmosphere is very nice. It is very open space."

Darren Buckner
Discovered by Darren Buckner & bradpdx & biswajeet1 & 954fredo & edooley6
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Workspace Type Public space
5012 SE Hawthorne Blvd, Portland
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
AlbinaPress24 |
WiFi Speed
Download/Upload in Mb/s
65.20 / 12.80
Upload Speed 12.80
Download Speed 65.20
Upload Speed 12.80
Network Latency 16 Ms
Noise Level Moderate to low
Plugs Many
Food Pastries
Group Seating Yes
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Unknown
Hours Today See More

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  • 12/9/2016: It appears they now have FOUR wifi networks, including a 2.4 Ghz and 5 Ghz network. Speedtest results ranging from 3.89 mbps to 65 mbps.

  • Brrrent

    Wi-fi not good. Really nice Willie Nelson playing at 9:30 AM, but not really conducive for focusing.

  • elea

    Happy to report that the internet is slightly faster than before BUT more importantly, much more reliable! The place is packed wall to wall with folks on laptops and I’m still somehow getting connection.

  • btdeets

    Wifi decent, but not terrible:

    The public xfinity connection is a quality fallback as well.

  • There aren’t a lot of people here, it’s after 1pm, and the wifi connection is sadly still slow: Also, I’ve never been able to connect to the supposed superfastinternet network and have sat in various spots here trying.

    Still my vote for good coffee and ambiance, but just can’t come here if you need to get anything on the internet done.

  • looks like WiFi has improved considerably. on the “regular” WiFi got speeds up to 7 — and there’s another WiFi “superfastWiFi” that I couldn’t test as I’m sitting outside and it doesn’t let me connect from here.

  • pdxdan

    Wifi isn’t great, but it’s a cool space with lots of people working. Good coffee. Minimal food options (pastries/bagels). Friendly staff. Many tables plus a few couches.

  • WiFi still terrible. Very slow and cuts out every 15 minutes or so. Reclaimed wood bars aren’t planed so your laptop will be rocking around as you type, and who serves hot drinks in a pint glass? MEIN HANDS! Good coffee, but not a great place to spend much time if you need to get anything done.

  • WIFI is terrrrrrrible: cuts out and super slow. I live nearby and I wish I could come here more often, but if it’s between the hours of 10:30am and 1pm, the internet pretty much does not work. Fix this and I will be a regular!

  • Internet speed has seriously degraded as of late. No network security – someone close by is probably leaching.

    • Darren Buckner

      I’ve noticed the degradation of speed as well. We’ll stop by again soon to update the speeds we report.

    • Darren Buckner

      Just stopped by and updated current speeds. They’ve definitely gotten worse.

    • Yep. Wifi is terrible. I view that as a plus (no distractions), but it can be really frustrating if you need to get anything done online.

Updated August 2016 | Improve this listing  | Flag as unvailable | Flag as spam
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