Communal Coffee +2

Workability Rating

"Gorgeous coffee shop and Native Poppy, a flower shop, sharing the same space. They just opened the Coffee Lounge and easily doubled their original space by doing so. Nice large community table seats 8 with several seats two and four tops along the walls."

Discovered by shanna
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Workspace Type Public space
2335 University Ave., San Diego
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
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avocadotoast | Coffee+Flowers Guest
WiFi Speed
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24.00 / 23.30
Upload Speed 23.30
Download Speed 24.00
Upload Speed 23.30
Network Latency 32 Ms
Noise Level Moderate
Plugs Plenty
Coffee Sightglass coffee, pour-overs, espresso, cold brew
Food Pastries from Cardamom Cafe, avocado toast
Group Seating Yes
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Small tables, larger table, standing bar / counter, lounge chairs / couches
Hours Today See More
Tags Coffee pour-over latte San Diego north park

People are saying  

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  • Beautiful space, personable staff, solid coffee

  • KDietz

    Great atmosphere. I like it for meetings.

  • Just about the cutest coffee shop ever. The food and drinks are delicious and the flowers just make it all the more special. Plenty of seats, outlets and natural light.

  • shanna

    Communal plans to have wine and beer at some point–that means expanded hours, I’d guess. Also, to note, the only *alterna-milk* they have is almond milk–not great for those of us with nut allergies.

Updated July 2017 | Improve this listing  | Flag as unvailable | Flag as spam
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