Copenhagen Coffee Lab

Workability Rating

"Not that many power outlets but good place to work from. Gives a discount if you get a card for $25+."

Discovered by rosannalopes & lreyes
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Workspace Type Public space
R. Nova da Piedade 10, Lisboa
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
yesplease | More coffee?
WiFi Speed
Download/Upload in Mb/s
41.70 / 18.00
Upload Speed 18.00
Download Speed 41.70
Upload Speed 18.00
Network Latency 149 Ms
Noise Level Moderate
Plugs None
Food danish plates
Group Seating Yes
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Small tables, larger table, standing bar / counter
Hours Today See More
Tags Coffee, Lisbon, Lisboa

People are saying  

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  • Still seems laptop friendly, but they do have a high table in the front that has a “No Laptops” sign. Staff seems mostly friendly, and the food/coffee is quite good.

  • Worst cafe ever. Staff is rude and the place is not longer laptop friendly. There’s a big table with a big sign stating that laptops are not allowed. There are no plugs to power up the laptop. Coffee is expensive, short, and overrated.

  • rosanna-lopes

    This place is no longer laptop friendly. There are no more power outlets, there is a sign on the big table saying no laptops and I haven’t confirmed this myself but a friend said that there is no more wifi there either.

  • Great place to work, but no power. Gives a discount if you get a card for $25+

  • There is now AC in the back room along with one somewhat hidden power outlet.
    The breakfast is quite good for €6.5 you get fresh bread, butter, jam, yogurt, granola, honey, and a drink valued up to €3.3.
    Great atmosphere, helpful staff, nice wifi.

  • diogodantas

    I love the space but unfortunately there is no place to plug your computer / phone. If you’re it’s urgent staff will let you connect to some AC behind the counter. Internet can get slow if there is a lot of people using it (as it is normal). If it’s for a 1hr work spot it’s really good.

  • Great place to hack from, the food and coffee are super tasty. It is worth mentioning though that there is no AC, and it gets pretty hot inside midday.

Updated July 2017 | Improve this listing  | Flag as unvailable | Flag as spam
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