Seven Virtues Coffee Roasters ('The Zipper' location)

Workability Rating

"This second location is in the brand new Zipper building, and features amazing natural lighting from artfully placed windows. Seating includes four 2-tops and three 4-tops. They offer standard pastry fare, bagels, bagel sandwiches, fresh bananas, and teas. They also make their own syrups in-house, so try those if you have a sweet tooth! There is an alternative network called "zipper-public" which is fast and solid.Variety of food options. Bike Parking. Free street parking with limited spots around the block. An open feel here."

Discovered by nettekins & jeffmccune
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Workspace Type Public space
2737 NE Sandy Blvd, Portland
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
Seven Virtues Extreme | kindness
WiFi Speed
Download/Upload in Mb/s
52.20 / 11.00
Upload Speed 11.00
Download Speed 52.20
Upload Speed 11.00
Network Latency 35 Ms
Noise Level Heavy
Plugs Limited
Coffee in-house
Food pizza (by the slice), standard pastry fare, bagels, bagel sandwiches, fresh bananas, Bywater Grocery (Taste of New Orleans), Chickpea (Falafel), Rua (Vietnamese)
Group Seating Unknown
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Small tables, standing bar / counter
Hours Today See More

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  • brookehurford

    They updated the seating so there is long benches along the entire while. Great for groups of 4 ish, much more room for seating now.

  • Darren Buckner

    Here on a Friday morning. Lots of open seating. Music is playing loud enough to make me think twice about a phone call, but it’s not too loud for a conversation of headphones. There is street parking (1 hour limit) and plenty of food options in the immediate area. Easy access to public transit.

  • Was having issues connecting to various websites using the `sevenvirtuesguest` wifi. I recommend using `zipper-public`, as Darren mentioned.

  • Darren Buckner

    Inside the Zipper building. Some food items available until 1pm but there are a few other food options in the same building. There is a “zipper-public” network that also works well throughout the entire building.

Updated October 2019 | Improve this listing  | Flag as unvailable | Flag as spam
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