Thatcher's Coffee

Workability Rating

"Great location with Ristretto Roasters coffee.Mornings are often VERY busy from 9ish to noonish.Afternoons are much more open and relaxed.The servers are attentive and helpful!Sometimes you can catch the baristas baking their house-made granola! Lots of outlets along baseboard of bench seats, which can be hard to notice if you don't know they're there. Busiest times seem to be 8am-noon, though even when it's busy there's typically room for you and your laptop.It's a large, open space with lots of open seating and rafter ceilings. There are a few high top tables with 4 seats, bench seating with small tables for 1-2, standing desk/bar space near the front door and alongside the bar, outdoor seating in the summer, kid's play are in the back near the restrooms. Decor has lots of chalkboards, including their menu and a giant canvas chalkboard with different designs. Coffee is popular - they have lattes, regular drip, seasonal drinks, kids drinks, organic teas. Parking is easy during the week. During the weekend, you may need to park farther away. Either way, it's free. No limit on WiFi."

Discovered by The Bridge Incubator & Warren & Kristen
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Workspace Type Public space
104 Grand Blvd Ste 100, Vancouver
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
magnolia | Thatcher's
WiFi Speed
Download/Upload in Mb/s
20.00 / 3.80
Upload Speed 3.80
Download Speed 20.00
Upload Speed 3.80
Network Latency 25 Ms
Noise Level Moderate
Plugs Limited
Coffee Ristretto Roasters
Tea Steven Smith
Food Pastries, granola, cookies, gf (gluten-free),
Group Seating Yes
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Small tables, larger tables, standing bar / counter, lounge chairs / couches
Hours Today See More

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  • iamkris

    Now serving Heart Coffee and RoseLine. Fantastic place to work especially as weather turns sunny and warm — they have a patio with umbrellas!

  • iamkris

    They are now serving Dapper & Wise Roasters coffee. They are always offering seasonal lattes, so it’s worth seeing what’s new!

  • iamkris

    This place continues to be an awesome place to work for a long period of time and the baristas are great. There can be a lot of people here in the morning, making it difficult to meet with a group, but in the summer, the outside tables are available which makes it easier to find a seat. Outlets are a plenty – they are spaced out under the booth seats and in the back right corner when you walk in. Other patrons are always happy to share an outlet if needed. If this place is too busy, head to River Maiden ( or Compass Coffee Roasting downtown about a 3 min drive (

Updated July 2016 | Improve this listing  | Flag as unvailable | Flag as spam
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