TwentySix Cafe

Workability Rating

"If you're looking for a fabulous patio, don't be fooled by the tables out front - there's more, covered, heated (in the cool months) and quiet outdoor seating in the back. Sit in the rain while staying plugged in and toasty warm.Only one outlet inside: under the front window counter. Back patio has one power source as well. It’s to the left, 3 tables in, dangling in the gap of a vertical support. Doesn't work well with folks trying to plug in with a heavy power block, e.g. Apple's 2 prong adapter."

Darren Buckner
Discovered by Darren Buckner & natanya22
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Workspace Type Public space
2723 NE 7th Ave, Portland
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
26CAFE | typewriter
WiFi Speed
Download/Upload in Mb/s
37.00 / 4.10
Upload Speed 4.10
Download Speed 37.00
Upload Speed 4.10
Network Latency 51 Ms
Noise Level Moderate to low
Plugs Limited
Coffee Nossa Familia
Tea Fox Fire Tea (loose leaf), bottled kombucha
Alcohol Beer, Wine
Food sandwiches, bagels, daily soup, small plates, salads, snacks, pastries
Group Seating Yes
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Small tables, standing bar / counter, lounge chairs / couches
Hours Today See More

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  • New high bench table in the window, with outlets below. And I noticed that the big, cushioned bench in the main area has multiple outlets now, one per seat.

  • Tamora

    New password is ****

  • Sitting on their patio right now, and there is only one outlet out here as well. It’s to the left, 3 tables in, dangling in the gap of a vertical support.

  • I believe there’s only one power outlet in the inside seating area–toward the sidewalk, under the window.

    • thanks for the tip! we’ve added it to the pro-tips 🙂

  • I speedtested while I was here and I was getting 4.9 down and 0.6 up.

    • Thanks! In today to discover that they got a new router and ISP. Generally seem to have faster speeds than before (though still < 10.0).

  • We’ve had 6-8 people together in the covered outside area at the back. It’s got ceiling heaters and power so is usable most of the year.

    Wifi pretty reliably works even if it’s not fast.

Updated November 2018 | Improve this listing  | Flag as unvailable | Flag as spam
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