World Cup Coffee & Tea

Workability Rating

"The wifi is a VPN. You just accept to get online."

Discovered by mevdev & Jon Wood
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Workspace Type Public space
1005 W Burnside St (at NW. 10th Ave.), Portland
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
World Cup Coffee | beanworld
WiFi Speed
Download/Upload in Mb/s
47.80 / 23.40
Upload Speed 23.40
Download Speed 47.80
Upload Speed 23.40
Network Latency 24 Ms
Noise Level Moderate to low
Plugs None
Coffee World Cup Roasters,
Food Bagels, sandwiches, bagels, desserts
Group Seating Yes
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Small tables, larger tables
Hours Today See More
Tags powells, world cup

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  • World Cup has recently made changes to discourage people from sitting and working in their cafe. There are no longer outlets available and there is signage recommending that customers do not spend much time here.

  • World Cup @ Powell’s Bookstore has no Wi-Fi time limit and no coffee shop purchase is required. The primary purpose of the cafe is to give visitors to Powell’s a place to sit and read books they are considering, or to give visitors a place rest and socialize without leaving Powell’s. Most of this large – approximately 50 x 30 foot space – is committed to tables where there is no power source. There are individual reading and work spaces along the south and west windows that provide power. The coffee shop is crowded during the summer and on weekends – sometimes no seats near plug-ins are available or it is difficult to get online. World Cup is located on the first floor on the southwest corner of block at NW Eleventh Avenue and Burnside. To access the coffee shop enter Powell’s at 1005 W. Burnside or through the entry at NW Eleventh and Couch Street, and walk through the bookstore. A map of the interior of the store is available near the entries.

Updated July 2017 | Improve this listing  | Flag as unvailable | Flag as spam
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