Jet Black Coffee Company +2

Workability Rating

"The wifi is good, there are plenty of seating options (including a deck/patio out front) and outlets are also plentiful. The space is light and bright. Note that it's connected to a vegan grocery store - and they only offer non-dairy creamers (soy, almond, coconut, etc). The owners and baristas are always friendly and fast."

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Workspace Type Public space
11150 NE Weidler St, Portland
Hours of Operations See Google
WiFi Login
May include network name, password, or both
Jet Black Guest | rabbitrabbit
WiFi Speed
Download/Upload in Mb/s
96.30 / 25.60
Upload Speed 25.60
Download Speed 96.30
Upload Speed 25.60
Network Latency 17 Ms
Noise Level Moderate to low
Plugs Plenty
Food They have vegan and gluten free pastries. A food cart will be opening soon in the parking lot.
Group Seating Yes
Outdoor Seating Unknown
Seating Styles Larger table, standing bar / counter
Hours Today See More
Tags Café

People are saying  

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  • Great spot with a quiet atmosphere and friendly people. Note: indoor seating closes at 2pm

  • Darren Buckner

    Pretty slow and lots of open seating between noon and close. Good time to get the larger table, or your pick of seating.

  • Darren Buckner

    Seems to have a wave of others coming to get work done about 10am. WiFi is still fine with lots of concurrent connections.

  • iamkris

    Still love working from here. If you get hungry, they have pastries. Big windows and great lighting. There’s also a Mexican food food cart right outside and you *can* eat in the coffee shop, as long as you buy something. Baristas are great and there are ample outlets around.

  • brookehurford

    Great place for a meeting with the big table ! Can get a little loud in the morning but just from the hustle and bustle 🙂 Awesome spot in this area of town (the best that I’ve found).

  • Darren Buckner

    Working from here with a teammate today along with about 12 others. Most of us are using the wifi. The speed and reliability of the wifi is great! Remains one of my go-to spaces in the area.

  • Darren Buckner

    Likely my new favorite place in the area. Fast WiFi, great vibe, live plants, outdoor seating, great art. There is a larger table that works well for a group. Bathrooms are clean.

Updated December 2022 | Improve this listing  | Flag as unvailable | Flag as spam
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